
Pastoring in the Gender Gap Crisis

Four factors driving young women away from the church and pastoral strategies to address them.

When the Pews Hold Pain

How to preach and lead when trauma sits in your sanctuary.

Beware the Vibe Shift

As cultural winds shift favorably toward Christianity, pastors must resist the temptation to mistake favorable cultural shifts for divine movements.

Active Discipleship in a Changing World

Transforming passive church members into purposeful disciples equipped for today’s complexities.

Resources for Pastors

Preaching Today

A resource for sermon prep, help with sermon illustrations & ideas, and preaching articles.

Inspiring life-changing community in your church by providing everything small group leaders need.

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Reading the Room: A Pastoral Vision for a Politically Weary Congregation

Pastors face the critical challenge of guiding their congregations through lingering political tensions in the post-inauguration landscape.

The Lost Art of Preaching to the Heart

Why moral inspiration and doctrinal instruction fall short—and how preaching that transforms the heart achieves what both approaches seek.

Pastors, We Have to Play the Long Game

My whole ministry, I’ve watched fellow pastors crumble. We need to change our scoreboard of success.

Reignite Your Faith, Reawaken Your Church

Leading voices on revival, renewal, and joy.

Wonder Worth Wrestling For

How to keep God at the heart of worship.

3 Spiritual Habits for Tired Pastors

Pursue joy and presence in your ministry.

Uncommon Wisdom for Common Needs

Practical steps for integrating monastic rhythms into ministry.

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